Israeli soldiers kidnapped on Wednesday at dawn 14 Palestinians, including children, in several West Bank areas.The invasions targeted the districts of Nablus, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron.
In Jerusalem, soldiers broke into a number of homes and kidnapped five Palestinians, including three children.

In Orif village, north of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, soldiers kidnapped three residents and took them to an unknown destination.

Also, One resident was kidnapped by the army in Husan town, in the Bethlehem District.

In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, soldiers kidnapped five residents, including a former detainee who was previously imprisoned by Israel and by the Palestinian Security Forces. The residents were kidnapped in Surif and Kharsa, near Hebron.

Furthermore, soldiers kidnapped a 61-year-old man while standing in front of his home near the Keryat Arba’ illegal settlement, east of Hebron, and two residents in Al Arroub Refugee Camp in Hebron.

The Israeli forces conduct daily invasions into West Bank communities, breaking into and searching dozens of homes and kidnapping local residents.