The Lifeline for Gaza Jordanian Committee issued a press release denying allegations that Abdul-Rahman Al Breizat, one of the suspects in the murder of the Italian peace activist, Vittorio Arrigoni, was a member of one of its convoys.The Quds Press news agency reported that Wa’el Al Saka, head of the Jordanian committee, stated that there was not a single activist with the name of Al Breizat aboard Lifeline convoy that sailed to Gaza to deliver humanitarian supplies.

The Lifeline for Gaza is currently preparing to be part of the Freedom Flotilla 2 that would be sailing to the Gaza Strip next month.

The statement was made after Mousa Al-Abdullat, Lawyer of the Islamic Organizations in Jordan, told the Quds Press that Al Breizat, from the Jordanian city of Madaba, was part of the Lifeline that joined the first Freedom Flotilla that was attacked by the Israeli army in May of last year.

Al-Abdullat stated that acquaintances of Al-Breizat claimed that he managed make it into Gaza, and started working as a driver for a local charity, adding that he was not known to be a supporter of Salafist groups or beliefs.

According to the Palestinian Police in Gaza, one of the suspects in the murder of Arrigoni is a Jordanian national. His picture and pictures of other suspects were published by the police.

The Police said that the suspects Abdul-Rahman Al Breizat (a Jordanian national nicknamed Mohammad Hassan), Bilal Al Omary, and Mahmoud Mohammad Al Salfiti, are among the most dangerous suspects wanted by the police and the security forces in the coastal region.

They are the main suspects who were apprehended in relation to the kidnapping and the murder of the Italian peace activist.

The body of Arrigoni was found on Friday at dawn at a deserted home in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Last year on May 30th Israeli navy attacked the freedom flotilla boats while sailing in international water to Gaza killing 9 aid workers and injuring 54.

Flotilla boats were boarded and towed to the Ashdod Port and the activists were deported.