Palestinian medical sources reported that a Palestinian man died on Saturday of wounds suffered during the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip between December 28 and January 2009. Six members of his family, including two of his children, were killed when the army bombarded their home. The sources said that Mohammad Shaban Islayyim, in his forties, was injured in January 2009 when the Israeli forces bombarded a home where the Minister of Interior, Sa’id Siyam, was located in Gaza city.

Siyam, one of the brothers of his wife, and six neighbors, including a child, were killed in the attack.

Islayyim was critical injured and received medical treatment in Israel, Gaza and Egypt but remained in a serious condition until he died on Saturday.

During the Israeli offensive on Gaza, the army bombarded civilian structures such as homes and warehouses, medical facilities, mosques, and infrastructure in addition to security and police bases and resistance training centers, killing 1419 Palestinians during the 23-day war and wounding thousands of residents, hundreds seriously.

Most of the casualties were civilians, infants, children, women and elderly in addition to members of the civil defense and medics.