Former Israeli Army chief Gabi Ashkenazi has warned Israel that it should return to negotiations with the PA to ward off Palestinian attempts to declare statehood in September, according to JPost.
Ashjenazi, speaking at an event in Toronto, warned that a Palestinian state was “inevitable” and Israel would gain more by being part of negotiations rather than opposing them. He claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could prevent the UN bid in September by returning to negotiating table and reengaging the Palestinian Authority.

Both Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have stated that the US will veto, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, any unilateral move towards Palestinian statehood in the UN in September. Israel and the US, however, are keen to avoid having to rely on US veto power against a two thirds majority decision by the UN General Assembly.

The PA have insisted they will go ahead with the bid despite US pressure and Israeli accusations that the move is designed to isolate Israel among the international community.