Colonel Pinhas Zuaretz is scheduled to testify on Sunday July 10, 2011 as the final witness for the case involving the killing of Rachel Corrie. Rachel Corrie was an American activist for the ISM who was killed by a bulldozer when acting as a human shield to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian home in the Gaza Strip in 2003. Colonel Zuaretz was the commander of Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade and faces responsibility for the death of Rachel Corrie. He is possibly the highest-ranking officer to face a “cross examination” involving abuses of civilians in Gaza during the Second Intifada, according to a report issued by the Palestinian Solidarity Organization today.

Lawyer, Hussein Abu Hussein filed the case against the Israeli Government for the responsibility of killing the 23 year old activist in 2005, but the trial was not open until March 2010.

Since the case opened in 2010, fourteen hearings have taken place. Twenty-two testimonies have been heard, fourteen from Israeli Personnel and four eyewitness account from ISM members.

The trial will take place on Sunday July 10, 2011 at 12pm in the Judge Oded Gershon courtroom in Haifa, Israel.

Corrie’s parents will be holding a press conference following the Zuaretz testimony at the American Colony Hotel Monday, July 11 at 11am.