The Palestinian Society for Fishing and Water Sports reported that the international boat, Olivia, run by human rights activists to monitor Israeli violations against Palestinian fishermen, was located in front of the Gaza Shore after losing all communications for one hour as the Israeli Navy attacked it.The navy used water cannons against the boat causing damage to its communication systems, and damaging its engine.

Several international activists were onboard the boat when the attack took place.

The activists accompany Palestinian fishing boats and fishermen, subject to constant violations and attacks by the Israeli Navy as Israel continues to enforce its illegal siege on Gaza, including its illegal Naval blockade. .

Coordinator of the solidarity campaign with the fishermen in the Gaza Strip, Mahfouz el Kabarity, denounced the attack and stated that the Palestinians have the right to fish in Palestinian territorial water.

Al Kabarity called on the international community to intervene and stop the Israeli violations against the fishermen in Gaza, and to pressure Israel into abiding by all related international humanitarian laws, and the Fourth Geneva Conventions.