Israeli soldiers bombarded, after midnight Friday night, an area in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip; damage was reported, one resident was injured.The injured youth is in his twenties; he was moved to Kamal Odwan Hospital in Beit Lahia suffering moderate injuries. Damage to nearby buildings and property was reported.

Local sources reported that the Israeli Air Force fired one missile into a civilian area, where several residents were gathering.

Late on Thursday at night, and on Friday at dawn, the Israeli Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes targeting several areas in the Gaza Strip leading to damages and inflicting four injuries among the civilian population, two of the wounded are children.

At least five Palestinians were wounded, On Wednesday at night, when the army bombarded a number of areas in the Gaza Strip.

On Wednesday at dawn, the army bombarded a blacksmith workshop in Gaza City causing excessive damage to the workshop and nearby homes.

The army bombarded the same area, again, several hours after the initial attack.