Israel announced Thursday that it will be holding official ties with the newly-born Republic of South Sudan, while Israeli officials visiting the country received an official letter recognizing the State of Israel.The Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a statement revealing that the Republic of South Sudan and the Israeli government announced full diplomatic ties, and that all practical details, including ambassadors, will be announced through the existing diplomatic ties.

The Ministry added that the declaration came after extended diplomatic talks, headed by Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, and officials of his ministry, were held with senior officials of the republic.

On his part, Lieberman stated that cooperation between the two countries will be based on “solid foundations, based on friendship, equality and mutual respect”.

The authorities in South Sudan issued a similar statement Thursday, and informed Israeli diplomats visiting the country that South Sudan recognizes Israel and wants to have strong ties with it.

The Israeli envoys visiting South Sudan are headed by the assistant director to the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s branch of African Affairs, Yaakov Refeh.