Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, welcomed the Turkish decision to expel the Israeli ambassador, to reduce the diplomatic relations with Israel, and to freeze all military agreements signed with Tel Aviv.On Friday, Hamas issued a press release stating that the Turkish decision is “a move in the right direction”, and that this move comes in response to the “Israeli arrogance, and its attack against the Freedom Flotilla”.

It also stated that what Israel did against the Turkish MV Marmara ship and the killing of the nine Turkish activists is a crime against humanity, and as an “act of piracy in international waters”.

The movement further stated that it supports the families of the victims, “the activists who sacrificed their lives for justice”, and that it “salutes the Turkish efforts in prosecuting Israel in international courts”.

At the end of its statement, Hamas called on all Arab and Islamic countries, and all nations that believe in freedom and justice, to boycott Israel and to act on ending the Israeli siege on Gaza.

It also called on the international community to support the Palestinian cause until the people of Palestine achieve their national and internationally guaranteed rights by establishing an independent and sovereign state.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli Ambassador left Turkey several days ago after he finished his term in office.

The Turkish ambassador to Tel Aviv was recalled last year after Israeli attacked the MV Marmara. Turkey also suspended all of its military cooperation and joint training with the Israeli army. All Israeli flights were also banned from entering Turkish airspace.