The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, requested on Thursday that the Interpol issue “a red notice” to arrest Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif Al-Eslam, and the Libyan intelligence services chief, Abdullah Snousy‏ , for the alleged crimes against humanity of murder and persecution. “ICC is requesting the Interpol to arrest Gaddafi for alleged crimes against humanity of murder and persecution,” announced the ICC prosecutor office, “Arresting Gaddafi is a matter of time.”

On June 27, the ICC issued arrest notices targeting Gaddafi, 68-years-old, his son Saif Al-Islam, 39, and his son-in-law and his right arm, Abdullah Sanusi, 62, head of the Libyan intelligence services.

The red notices issued by the Interpol aim at apprehending persons suspecting of committing war crimes, order to hand them over to an international court.

Gaddafi has not been seen since last June. His whereabouts became unknown after rebels stormed his palace two weeks ago, but could not locate him.

US Department of Defense (the Pentagon) stated that it does not have any evidence that Gaddafi left Libya.

Furthermore, Niger, that received a Libyan senior security official earlier this week, confirmed Gaddafi did not cross the border to Niger.

Washington urged the governments of Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Chad and Burkina Faso, to tighten their security measures, and to arrest and disarm Qaddafi’s fighters.

Qaddafi provided enormous financial supports to the governments of the above mentioned countries during his rule.

Earlier on Thursday, NATO Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, declared that NATO air strikes would continue as long as Gaddafi forces are still operational.

“Gaddafi and his fighters should be aware that they would not gain anything from continuing their war”, he stated, “Libya is about to enter a new phase.”

Rasmussen expressed his comfort over NATO’s operations in Libya describing them as ‘a great success’, adding NATO acted carefully and managed to prevent massacres from taking place.

Mr. Rasmussen is paying a visit to Lisbon in which he held a meeting with the Portuguese President, Anibal Cavaco Silva. Portugal was the head of UN sanctions panel on Libya last March.

Meanwhile, Qaddafi issued an audio broadcast vowing to intensify attacks, and denying media reports claiming he fled to Niger.

“NATO air strikes would continue as long as Gaddafi is a source of threat source to his people” French and British Prime Minister stated in the closing ceremony of a conference held last week in Paris to discuss the situation in Libya.

The Libyan Revolution began On February 16 in which rallies spread throughout the country, demanding comprehensive reforms, and an end to the Gaddafi regime.