Abu Mojahed, spokesperson of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, stated that implementation of the first phase of the prisoner-swap deal will be next Tuesday, the Palestinian news agency, Ma’an reported.He added that when Israel releases the prisoners, the Palestinians will make sure the group contains all of the agreed upon prisoners. They will then hand the Israeli prisoner Gilad Shalit to the Egyptian side; he will be transferred into Egypt and then back home to Israel.

Abu Mojahed also said that Palestinian prisoners to be exiled and moved to the Gaza Strip will be transferred to Egypt first, then to the Rafah crossing and eventually into the Gaza strip, while the other prisoners will be exiled directly through Cairo airport.

The prisoners are reportedly to be transferred to Qatar and Turkey.

Popular Front committees issued a list of the agreed upon prisoners who are to be released in the first phase of the deal.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has offered its services in implementing the deal as an impartial side.

Spokesperson of the committee said that their members are negotiating with the Israeli and Palestinian side, providing offers and suggestions.

Hamas Political Bureau head, Khaled Mashal, released details about the swap. He stated in a media conference held in Damascus that the swap includes over one-thousand prisoners, and all twenty-seven female prisoners in the Israeli jails are to be freed.

He added that the swap also includes detainees from all the Palestinian factions in the West Bank, Gaza, Jerusalem and the 1948 territories.