The fundamentalist National Union Party in Israel threatened to quit the coalition with the Likud party, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, should the P.M. demolish random settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank. Israeli Police demolished three structures on Tuesday, in an illegal outpost in the West Bank.Their statements came after Netanyahu told Likud officials that the government should remove some random outposts in the West Bank, and prevent constructions on privately owned Palestinian lands.

His statements came to avoid further international condemnation for the sharply increasing Israeli approvals for new settlement constructions and expansions in illegally annexed East Jerusalem, and the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu said that “Israel will continue the construction of settlements, but will also abide by the law.”

The Israeli army demolished three structures in an illegal outpost earlier on Monday, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah

Clashes took place between the settlers and the army, with the police apprehending twelve settlers, including seven minors.

The demolished structures were illegally set up in the outpost of Oz Zion, east of Ramallah.

In Jerusalem, a group of 150 settlers held a protest in front of the Knesset to protest a decision by the Israeli government to demolish several illegal outposts in the West Bank by the end of this year. The outposts are also built on privately owned Palestinian land.

Under International Law and the Fourth Geneva Convention (GC), all settlements built within the 1967 borders, are classed as within the occupied Palestinian Territories. Under the articles of the fourth GC, it is illegal to transfer citizens from the country of the occupiers, onto said land.