Israeli Peace Now Movement reported that the home of the director of the movement’s Settlement Watch Project, Hagit Ofran, was targeted for the second time in recent months. The act was perpetuated by extremist right-wing settlers who blame the group for Israel’s dismantlement of several illegal settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank.Israeli daily Haaretz reported that the vandals sprayed swastikas and graffiti on Ofran’s home.

The graffiti also includes a direct death threat to Ofran with the extremists writing: “Hagit Ofran, Rabin is waiting for you”, referring to former Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated in 1995, by an extremist Israeli identified as Yigal Amir.

Haaretz added that the settlers also sprayed “Givat Assaf revenge”, and “Greetings from Moaz Etzion”; referring to two illegal settlement outposts that were recently dismantled by the Israeli army.

The settlers also vandalized a “Peace” bumper sticker on a car that was parked in the area. The Israeli police opened an investigation into the issue after the neighbours reported it to the police, Haaretz added.

It is worth mentioning that the Peace Now office in Jerusalem was vandalized earlier this week, and a bomb threat was reported on Sunday. The Star of David was also sprayed on the gates of the office.

Two months ago, graffiti was found on the door of Ofran’s home, and on the stairwell of the building where she lives.

The graffiti included death threats such as “Death to the Traitors”, and “Miron Price Tag”, referring to the illegal settlement outposts that were dismantled by the Israeli army.

Speaking to Haaretz on Tuesday, Ofran stated that the extremist are trying to scare Peace Now, and added that the threats are becoming very serious and crossing the line.

The Peace Now Movement issued a statement blaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition partners for the escalating Price Tag attacks, and stated that “The incitement and the harsh words of the coalition members in favour of illegal outposts and against the justice system and left-wing organizations is seeping into the ground, and giving support to the price tag vandals.”

Peace Now stated that the Israeli Police have not even made one arrest, adding that the authorities in Israel are “indifferent about these threats.”

It also stated that the movement “Is under attack, and is facing unprecedented threats from people trying to intimidate us into silence with thuggish behaviour.”