The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem, reported that a Palestinian family in Silwan was served an eviction order issued by the Jerusalem municipality with the intent to replace them with Jewish settlers. The center stated that the family was ordered to leave their home by November 28th.

The family filed several appeals at the Israeli District Court, and the High Court, since the early 1990’s after the El Ad fundamentalist settler organization occupied land that belongs to the family.

Israel claims that the home in question belongs to “Lord Rochelle” and has done so for dozens of years. Should it become clear that the Rochelle family does not own the property, Israel will still confiscate it under the so-called “Absentee Property Law”.

In both cases the Palestinian family is left homeless despite the fact that it historically
owned and inhabited the property, the Center said.

Silwan, as well as other neighborhoods in occupied East Jerusalem, is subject to repeated Israeli violations and attacks carried out by extremist settler organizations who seek to control all Arab homes in the occupied city.