Released for Publication – The Israeli Internal Security Service (Shabak) revealed that its operatives kidnapped ten members of the Islamic Jihad in recent months, in the Jenin district, in the northern part of the West bank, and claimed that the arrested members are in direct contact with the Hamas leadership in Syria.The arrest of the “cell’ was made in direct cooperation between the Israeli Army and the Shabak.

Israeli daily, Haaretz, quoted a Shabak official stating that the “cell” managed to transfer significant amounts of money from the Hamas leadership in Damascus, in order to be used in purchasing combat equipment and weapons.

The kidnapped members are also believed to be in direct contact with the Islamic Jihad leadership in the Gaza Strip, and a “Spirit of Jerusalem” society that is allegedly financing operations, and granting funding to fighters and families of Palestinians who were killed, or wounded, by the Israeli army.

According to the report, cell members planned to attack Israeli soldiers and settlers, and were also planning to abduct Israeli soldiers. They are also believed to have prepared explosive charges to be used in attack against Israeli targets.

The Shabak claimed that the soldiers located one kilogram of chemicals, one Kalashnikov rifle, and dozens of bullets.