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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, March 7th, 2012.

Israeli troops arrests 12 Palestinians during morning invasions as settlers attack a West Bank village. These stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Wednesday at dawn, twelve Palestinians in several parts of the West Bank, local sources reported.

Soldiers invaded several cities, towns, villages and refugee camps in different parts of the West Bank, broke into and searched dozens of homes, and kidnapped the twelve residents. Soldiers also forced the residents out of their homes, and interrogated several youths.

The latest invasions were mainly conducted in the West Bank districts of Nablus, Qalqilia, Ramallah, Bethlehem and Hebron. On Tuesday, soldiers invaded several areas in the occupied West Bank and kidnapped sixteen Palestinians, including four teenagers.

This week the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS), reported that Israeli soldiers kidnapped more than 200 residents in the Hebron district, in January and February of this year.

Earlier on Tuesday night a group of armed Israeli settlers invaded Qarawat Bani Zeid village, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, and attacked several residents causing one injury.

Local sources reported that the armed settlers were aiming at occupying a spring in the village, and that, after arriving at the scene, the settlers attacked several youths who were sitting near the spring.

Resident Amir Jom’a was mildly wounded in the attack, and received treatment by local medics. The settlers also fired rounds of live ammunition into the air while withdrawing from the village; no injuries were reported.

And that’s all for today from the IMEMC News, this was the Wednesday March 7th daily news roundup from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Join us again tomorrow for more news and update visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Husam Qassis and me, Ghassan Bannoura.