The Ad-Dameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association reported that female detainee, Hana’ Ash-Shalabi, is being exiled to the Gaza Strip, and that the Red Cross is bringing her family to the Erez terminal to see her shortly before she is sent to Gaza.Once sent to the besieged coastal region, Ash-Shalabi will not be able to see her family, similar to all West Bank detainees who were released from Israeli prisons under the condition that they be sent to Gaza or exiled out of Palestine.

The Israeli act comes in direct violation to International Law, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and all related Human Rights principles and resolution.

On March 30, AMNESTY International made a statement demanding that Ash-Shalabi should be released and allowed to head back home in the West Bank.

“Instead of deporting her to the Gaza Strip, where access to specialized medical care is limited, due to the Israeli blockade and the ongoing fuel crisis which threatens hospitals, she should be released along with other Palestinians held in administrative detention, or promptly charged with a recognizable criminal offense.”, AMNESTY said.

Immediately after being kidnapped by the Israeli army in the West Bank, Ash-Shalabi, 30, Shalabi, 30, conducted a 43-day hunger-strike demanding an end to her illegal detention.

Physicians or Human Rights said that she suffered from impaired thyroid functions, weakness and dizziness, according to Physicians for Human Rights Israel, and that she requires specialized medical attention.

Full AMNESTY press release