A number of armoured Israeli military vehicles invaded an area east of az-Zeitoun neighborhood, south of Gaza City, and opened fire at a number of farmers working their lands on Wednesday afternoonThe farmers had to run for their lives as the army advanced opening fire at random; no injuries were reported.

Palestinian farmers, especially in areas close to the border and the so-called “security fence” are subject to frequent attacks by the Israeli army and their lands have been repeatedly bulldozed and uprooted; dozens of casualties have been reported in numerous Israeli military attacks.

Also on Wednesday, the Israeli Navy abducted four Palestinian fishermen in Palestinian territorial waters off the coast of Beit Lahia town, in the Gaza Strip.

In related news, soldiers abducted, on Wednesday morning, resident Shadi Maaly, from the Duheisha refugee camp in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Soldiers stopped a car transporting Maaly and violently attacked him before taking him to an unknown destination. He is a former political prisoner who spent many years in Israeli prisons and detention camps for his activities with the leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The army also invaded several areas in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank. They broke into and searched several homes after forcing the residents out.