Palestinian Authority Prime Minster Salam Fayyad commended South Africa’s decision to label all settlement goods as such in a meeting in Ramallah with N W Makalima, the South African representative to the PA. Fayyad expressed his hopes that other countries would follow South Africa’s footsteps in accurately labeling settlement products.

Wafa news agency reported that Fayyad said, ‘We hope this step will become international consensus both at popular and official levels.”

The South African Department of Trade and Industry issued a notice on the 10th of May that banned labeling products of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank as made in Israel. The notice read ‘Consumers in South Africa should not be misled into believing that products originating from the (occupied Palestinian territory) are products originating from Israel,’

Fayyad was also assured by Makalima that South Africa would continue to support the Palestinian authority and its people.