Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that 19 Palestinians were wounded in a series of renewed Israeli air strikes targeting the Gaza Strip. The attacks come after two Palestinians were killed on Friday, and several other residents were wounded.Sources stated that the army began bombarding the as-Saraya Security Compound in the ar-Remal neighborhood of Gaza City at 2am local time. The attack caused eight injuries and lead to excessive damage. Several nearby homes were damaged and several of civilians, mainly children, suffered anxiety attacks.

Several residents were injured, one seriously, when the army bombarded Tuwam, near Gaza City. Wounded residents were moved to Kamal Odwan Hospital, and the Ash-Shifa Medical Center.

The Israeli Air Force bombarded an area near the Waha Resort west of Beit Lahia in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The army also fired at least one missile at residents near the Cars Market east of Ash-Shejaeyya neighborhood in Gaza City.

Adham Abu Salmiyya, spokesperson of the Medical and Emergency Services in Gaza said that the 10 of the 19 wounded residents, including one woman, were injured when the army bombarded a center for the Al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

He added that eight more civilians were injured in the center of Gaza City after the army fired at least one missile targeting a security center. One resident was wounded west of Dir Al-Balah, after the army fired two missiles targeting a Qassam center.

The recent wave of attacks comes after the army killed two Palestinians on Friday, and wounded several others, in two separate Israeli air strikes targeting Gaza.

The Hamas-led government in Gaza ordered all government and security centers evacuated fearing additional Israeli bombardment, especially since Israeli warplanes can still be seen and heard flying over different parts of the Gaza Strip.

Israel Continues to Strike Gaza Through the Night
Circarre Parrhesia – IMEMC & Agencies Sat, 23 Jun 2012 02:18:02

The shelling of Gaza has continued into the early hours of Saturday morning, according to Palestinian residents of the coastal enclave.

Young Palestinians have taken to the social networking platform Twitter for the last two hours to report multiple bombardments from Israeli Air Force jets resulting in damage and injuries.

In the area of As-Saraya was struck leading to a large fire, which was attended to by firefighters, and resulted in seven injuries.

Air strikes in the north of Gaza resulted in six more injuries.

This week 9 Palestinians have been killed, the majority of whom have been claimed as fighters by various groups. Furthermore dozens have been injured, mostly civilians.

The Gaza Strip is home to 1.7 million Palestinians, and is 356 square kilometers in size, making it the most densely populated part of the world.