Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that one resident was killed, and ten others were wounded, when the Israeli army bombarded, on Saturday evening, an area West of Gaza City. The latest attack brings the death toll to 16, including 4 children, in one week; at least 73 Palestinians, including children and women, were wounded in more than 40 strikes carried out by the Israeli military.Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra, spokesperson of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, reported that resident Osama Mahmoud Al-Adda, was killed on Saturday evening, and ten residents were injured when the army fired a missile at Al-Adda driving his motorcycle in Al-Quds Open University Street, west of Gaza City.

Al-Adda is a member of the Salah Ed-Deen Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza.

The missile fired by the army also led to dozens of injuries among the civilian population as it hit a wall of a residential tower.

Adham Abu Salmiyya, spokesperson of the Medical and Emergency Services in Gaza, accused Israel of committing war crimes against the civilian population in Gaza, and demanded the International Community to intervene and stop the Israeli military escalation against the Gaza Strip.

Speaking to the Maan News Agency, Abu Salmiyya identified the Palestinians, killed by Israeli missiles and shells in one week, as;

1. Osama Mahmoud Ali, 42, killed on Saturday June 23 by a missile fired by an Israeli drone west of Gaza City.

2. Khaled Nasser Al-Bor’ey, 25, killed on Saturday June 23 by a missile fired by the army targeting Qleibo Hill, east of Jabalia.

3. Mo’taz Ali Ash-Shawwaf, 6, killed on Saturday June 23, when the army bombarded a playground east of Khan Younis.

4. Mohammad Abdo Az-Za’aneen, 23, killed on June 18 by an Israeli missile in As-Sikka Street, east of Beit Hanoun.

5. Homam Jamal Abu Qadous, 20, killed on Friday June 22 in As-Sudaniyya area, north of Gaza City.

6. Bassem Abdullah Ahmad, 28, killed on Friday June 22, when the army fired artillery shells into an area east of the Al-Boreij refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip.

7. Mohammad Zuheir Al-Khaledy, 30, suffocated by toxic gas after the army bombarded a siege-busting tunnel, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

8. Thaer Mohammad Al-Beik, 26, suffocated by toxic gas after the army bombarded a siege-busting tunnel, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

9. Mo’men Al-Addam, 13 years old, killed on June 21, after the army bombarded Az-Zeitoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

10. Ghaleb Awwad Ermeilat, 21, killed on June 20, after the army fired a missile at a motorcycle in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

11. Hadeel Ahmad Al-Haddad, 2 years old, killed on June 19, after the army bombarded her parents’ home in Az-Zeitoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City.

12. Bassam Mohammad Abu Ma’leeq, 16, killed on June 19 by Israeli shells near the Kissufim Crossing, in the central Gaza Strip.

13. Yousef At-Tilbani, 16, killed on June 19 by Israeli shells near the Kissufim Crossing, in the central Gaza Strip.

14. Jihad Abu Shabab, 22, killed on June 18 by an Israeli missile in As-Sikka Street, east of Beit Hanoun.

15. Mohammad Shbat, 23, killed on June 18 by a missile fired by an Israeli drone east of Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

16. Mohammad Abu Odah, 24, killed on June 18 by a missile fired by an Israeli drone east of Beit Hanoun.

The Israeli bombardment targeted areas believed to be resistance training camp, in addition to densely populated neighborhoods, sports arenas, blacksmith and other workshops, homes and residential buildings.