Palestinian sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, reported that Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday evening, the Old City of Hebron leading to clashes with local youths, and entirely sealed all entrances of the Old city forcing all stores to shut down.Issa Amro, a local activist in the Old city said that soldiers and fundamentalist Israeli settlers clashed with local youths, and fired rounds of live ammunition at them.

The clashes took place after a number of armed fundamentalist settlers hurled stones at several residents and their cars, and issue that pushed local youths to hurl stones back at them.

Amro said that the soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and gas bombs at the protesters; dozens were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation while an 18-year-old girl was hit in her arm by a gas bomb fired by the army and suffered moderate injuries.

Earlier on Wednesday, a French citizen was hit in the shoulder as the Israeli army fired tear gas canisters and sound grenades in the old city of Hebron on Tuesday.