A Dutch national sustained a head injury after being hit by a tear gas canister and dozens of others suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation as Israeli troops attacked demonstrators at the separation wall near Bil’in.About 80 people, both Palestinian and Internationals, took part in the weekly protest in the small village of Bil’in this afternoon. The weekly protest is aimed at halting the construction of the illegal separation wall being erected by Israel inside the occupied West Bank.

Villagers from Bil’in were joined by about 25 internationals who then marched from the village to the wall, chanting slogans denouncing the illegal occupation.

The Israeli army responded by firing salvos of tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. In the past these have caused serious injury and death when they have been fired directly at people. One international activist was struck in the back of the head causing serious injury. Dozens of others suffered from the effects of tear gas inhalation.
The Israeli army fired dozens of tear gas canisters towards the demonstrators despite the fact that many children were present. The volume and dispersion of the canisters meant the protesters were unable to reach safety before suffering from the effects of the gas.