Several Palestinian journalists in Jerusalem boycotted a press conference held by U.S. Secretary of state, Hilary Clinton, in Jerusalem after Israeli security officers ordered them to undergo a strip search before they enter the conference room at the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem.The reporters stated that they conducted all needed prior arrangements and obtained all needed permits to enter the press conference, but the Israeli Internal Security refused to allow them into the hotel unless they agree to be strip searched. The journalist refused and left the hotel building, the Maan News Agency reported.

They said that Israel did not require that Israeli and International reporters should also be 3strip-searched and only targeted Palestinian reporters.

The reporters also stated that Israeli security officers first searched their cameras and equipment for more than 10 minutes before they told the Palestinian reporters that they must be strip searched. They informed the American Consulate of what happened, and it “apologized” and vowed to deliver their objection to the Israeli officials.

Abdul-Nasser An-Najjar, head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate slammed the Israeli violation, and saluted the Palestinian reporters who left the conference in protest to this act of abuse.

“We will not be stripped physically, culturally or by any other means”, An-Najjar said, “Palestinian reporters believe in freedoms and rights”, he added, “America claims to be the pioneer of freedom, yet allows this racial discrimination to take place”.