Israeli Central Issues newspaper reported, Thursday morning, claimed that a group known as the “Egyptian Salasfist Front” in northern Sinai claimed responsibility for firing two missiles into Eilat coastal city. The missiles landed and exploded in an open area leading to no injuries or damages.The Central Issues said that the group issued a statement officially claiming responsibility for the attack, adding that the group is also behind several previous attacks that targeted Egyptian gas pipelines providing Israel and Jordan with gas.

The paper said claimed members of the Salafist group came from Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan, and that they have been operating in Sinai and planning attacks against Israel, and against Egyptian targets in Sinai, including the Egyptian military.

The group is also believed to be behind the recent attack against an Egyptian military base in Sinai leading to the death of 16 Egyptian soldiers.

The Eilat bombing took place on Thursday at dawn leading to no damages of injuries. Israeli sources reported that two Grad missiles were fired into Eilat, and that the army and the police managed to pinpoint the location where the missiles fell, close to Coral Beach Hotel. The Police closed streets in the area and started a search campaign.