Six Palestinians were wounded, three seriously, when Israeli settlers hurled a cocktail bomb at the car they were riding on the Bethlehem-Hebron road on Thursday.Palestinian media sources reported that settlers from Beit Ayin settlement in the Etzion settlment bloc threw a cocktail bomb at the van en route to wounding the driver and five members of Ghayatha family, including two children.

Israeli ambulance arrived at the scene and evacuated the wounded to Hadasa hospital in Jerusalem. Three of the wounded suffer second degree burns.

The car drove for around hundred meter after the attack before it flipped over on the side of the road. Traces of the fire bomb and a lighter were found on the road side.

Israeli police also arrived at the scene and closed the road on both ways for around two hours, eyewitnesses reported.

Settler violence increased since 2005 when Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip and moved out all its settlers.

Most of the settler attacks against Palestinians are not followed up by Israeli police.