The French Prosecution decided to open an official investigation into the death of the late Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat, who died in 2004 after becoming sick while surrounded by the Israeli military in his Ramallah headquarters.The French Press Agency reported Tuesday that the Prosecutors Office in Nanterre, west of Paris, decided to initiate an official investigation into the issue after Arafat’s widow, Suha, filed an appeal last month demanding an investigation into her husband’s death, in order to reveal whether Arafat was poisoned by Polonium. It is worth mentioning that Suha Arafat, born in Jerusalem, is a French Citizen.

The Qatar-based Al-Jazeera conducted a 9-month report that was broadcast two months ago, and revealed that traces of Polonium, a highly poisonous chemical element, were found on Arafat’s clothes and belongings that he used prior to his death.

Al-Jazeera said that a well-known and well-respected Swiss lab conducted the tests and came to the conclusion that Polonium was used in the murder of Arafat.
The lab conducted biological tests on different private belongings and clothes that Arafat used, including his toothbrush, and his hat, in addition to clothes that had blood or urine on them.

After uncovering Polonium, the lab decided that Arafat’s body must be exhumed in order to examine the soil the covers his body, and to examine his bones. Such an exhumation requires the approval of the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) in the West Bank.

Following the broadcast of the Al-Jazeera report, Suha Arafat said she would allow the exhumation of Arafat’s body, and the P.A also said it has no objection.

Swiss experts will be examining his remains in the West Bank, but will also take samples to their labs that have advanced equipment and technology.

Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat, died at a French Military Hospital on November 11, 2004. On July 31st this year, Soha Arafat filed a lawsuit against “unknown” in France for the assassination of her husband.

The Palestinians believe that Israel, that surrounded Arafat’s in his compound, in 2002, until he fell seriously ill and was airlifted to France, is behind the assassination of Arafat, especially since Israeli leaders kept labeling him as an “obstacle to peace”.

Israel also bombarded sections of the compound, and bulldozed other sections, in addition to cutting power and water supplies, and phone lines.

Israeli sharpshooters also topped several surrounding buildings overlooking the office of Arafat, and killed five Palestinians in the compound, including members personal bodyguards of Arafat; at least 40 were injured and 70 were kidnapped. Israel also said that two Israeli soldiers were killed in the attack.

The then-Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, said in a press conference that “invading Ramallah, and the isolation of Arafat is only the beginning of an extended military offensive that aims, according to Sharon, “at uprooting the infrastructure of terrorism”.

Sharon also described Arafat as the enemy of Israel and did not hide Israel’s interest in removing him from power. Several Israeli leaders also said that “Arafat is an obstacle to peace” and expressed explicit interest in getting rid of him despite a statement by the then-Defense Minister, Benjamin Eliezer, who claimed that Israel is not planning to harm Arafat.

While under siege, Arafat said; “they want me to become their prisoners, or wanted, or dead; and I tell them I am a martyr, a martyr a martyr”.