Palestinian medical sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, reported Saturday that dozens of Palestinian villagers, picking their olive trees west of Hebron, were treated for the effects of teargas inhalation after being attacked by Israeli soldiers.A Palestinian Red Crescent official, identified as Abdul-Halim Al-Ja’afra, reported that the Israeli army prevented more than 50 Palestinians from picking their Olive orchards, and forced them away.

The Palestinian farmers said that as they headed to their orchards, located near the illegal Adora Israeli settlement, west of Hebron, the army blocked their way and told them that they are not allowed to be in the area.

Shortly afterwards, the soldiers fired dozens of gas bombs at the villages forcing them out of their lands, and leading to several injuries before the soldiers ordered the residents to leave. All wounded residents were treated by field medics in the area.

The army claimed that the residents can return to their lands after Jewish feasts are over.

Every year during olive harvest season, Israeli soldiers and settlers escalate their attacks against the residents and their lands to prevent them from harvesting their trees.

Dozens of attacks took place last year leading to several injuries, and in many cases extremist Israeli settlers picked the Palestinian orchards and took the harvest.

The settlers repeatedly uproot, cut and even burn Palestinian olive orchards, the main source of livelihood to thousands of residents.