Monday, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian
Liberation Organization (PLO),met Brazil’s Foreign Minister, Antonio Patriota, and
Brazil’s Ambassador to the Palestinian Authority, Ligia Maria Scherer, in Ramallah. He
thanked Brazil for supporting the Palestinian statehood bid at the United Nations, and for
recognizing, in 2010, Palestine as a state with East Jerusalem as its capital.The meeting took place at the headquarters of the Palestinian Liberation Organization
(PLO), in the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

The officials discussed Israel’s ongoing violations of International Law,and Israeli human
rights violations the Palestine News Network (PNN) reported.

Ashrawi stressed the importance of heading to the United Nations in order to avoid
further escalation, especially since Israel is using its military power to create facts on the
ground, while the United States, continues to dominate the political process despite its
clear and open support to Israel.

Ashrawi drew attention to the increase in illegal and violent activities taken against
Palestinians. These activities include and are not limited to; invasions into the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip, the illegal settlement construction and expansion activities in
the West Bank, kidnapping of children by military personnal, the escalation of settler
attacks against the Palestinians, their Islamic and Christian holy sites. Of particular
importance was the increase in settler attacks against Palestinian farmlands and orchards,
especially since the beginning of the Olive harvest season, Ashrawi demanded an
immediate intervention from the International Community to ensure the needed
protection is provided to the residents and their property.

The Palestinian official thanked Brazil for its historic and ongoing support for the
legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, and for its support to the Palestinian Authority,
and the UNRWA.