Israeli soldiers invaded, on Wednesday at dawn, the village of Hares near the central West bank city of Salfit, and demolished two homes; twenty residents injured.Local sources reported that the army, accompanied by a military bulldozer, invaded the village and demolished two homes.

The army previously issued orders against twenty homes in the village, under the pretext that they close to an illegal Israeli settlement, built on the village’s land.

Dozens of residents formed a human chain to defend the homes, and that army violently attacked them and fired rounds of live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, and gas bombs; at least twenty residents, including two reporters, were injured.

Israel claims that the homes are located in Area C, under the Israeli security control, while the residents affirm that their homes are part of the municipal boundary of the village, and received construction permits from the village council.

Palestinian Legislators of the Salfit District, Omar Abdul-Raziq and Nasser Abdul-Jawad, strongly denounced the Israeli attack, and the demolition of the homes.

The legislators issued a statement condemning this violation, and stating that Israel is blackmailing the residents, and is trying to push them out of their homes and lands.