Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that the five Palestinians were killed, and dozens of residents were injured, in a new wave of escalation targeting the coastal region Saturday.One Palestinian resistance fighter was killed, and three Palestinians were injured, on Saturday evening, after the army fired missiles at them in Al-Karama area, in Gaza city.

Medical sources reported that the slain fighter was identified as Mohammad Sa’id Shkokani, from Ash-Shaty’ refugee camp.

Four residents, including two brothers, were killed when the army bombarded the eastern area of Gaza city, while at least 30 were injured, including 10 who suffered serious injuries, after the army bombarded Al-Mintar Hill, Malka Junction, Az-Zeitoun and Ash-Shijaeyya neighborhoods in Gaza city, and Al-Hawouz neighborhood in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

Medical sources identified the slain residents as Ahmad Ad-Dardasawy, 18, Mohammad Harara, 17, his brother Ahmad, 15, and Matar Abu Al-Ata, 20, while at least 30 residents were injured when the army fired artillery shells targeting Al-Mintar Hill, east of Gaza city, and Al-Hawouz in Khan Younis. The sources added that several wounded residents lost limbs.

Meanwhile, Israeli sources said that four soldiers were injured by a Palestinian shell targeting them as they drove their military vehicle near the Karni Crossing, east of Gaza city.

The sources added that Palestinian fighters fired an anti-tank shell at a military vehicle driving near the crossing, wounding four soldiers, two seriously.

Furthermore, one resident was also injured after the army fired a missile at a home that belongs to An-Najjar family in northern Gaza.

Heavy and sporadic gunfire could be heard in different parts of the coastal region all day Saturday.

The army also fired two shells at residents in Al-Hawouz area, east of Khan Younis, wounding four residents and leading to excessive property damage.

Furthermore, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), claimed responsibility for firing shells at Israeli military vehicles driving east of the Industrial Zone, near the Karni Crossing.

Fighters of the An-Nasser Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committee in Gaza, also fired three shells into the Negev towns of Nativot, Eshkol and Sderot.

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said that it also fired several shells at Israeli soldiers across the border.
The Brigades added that the army fired shells targeting an area located near the Abu Obeida School, in Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian resistance groups in the coastal region issued press releases stating that the shelling “comes in retaliation to the latest massacre carried out by the army in Gaza”.