Palestinian medical sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, reported that several residents were injured Saturday as Israeli soldiers attacked a funeral in Beit Ummar town, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron. Eyewitnesses reported that the army fired dozens of gas bombs, concussion grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets, in addition to several rounds of live ammunition at residents participating in a funeral near the main entrance of the village. Several residents were treated for the effects of teargas inhalation.

The attack led to clashes between the soldiers and the residents; the army fire more gas bombs, rubber-coated bullets and rounds of live ammunition.

Soldiers also prevented dozens of residents and international solidarity activists from reaching Palestinian farmlands located near the Karmie Tzur illegal settlement, built of Palestinian lands, south of Beit Ummar.

Furthermore, soldiers closed the main road that leads to Palestinian villages, west of Hebron; the road is adjacent to the illegal Nagihot settlement built on lands that belong to Doura town residents.

Eyewitnesses stated that the army closed the iron gate that was installed by the soldiers to close the road whenever they desired. The gate is close to a military tower installed on the main road between Beit Awwa village, and the nearby village of Al-Majd.

The army installed several gates in and around Hebron, and usually closes them on Saturdays due to the Shabbat, an issue that obstructs Palestinian traffic leading huge traffic jams and forcing the residents to try to find alternative bypass unpaved roads.

It is worth mentioning that Israeli soldiers bombarded several areas in the Gaza Strip, Saturday, killing five Palestinians, among them three teenagers, including a 17 and 15 year-old brothers. Dozens of residents were injured.