A number of fundamentalist Israeli members of Knesset (MK) stated that they will be burning a Palestinian flag in front of the United Nations office in occupied Jerusalem, in protest to UN’s approval of Palestine as a nonmember sate.Israeli sources reported that several MK’s, including Arieh Eldad of the National Union parliamentary group (head of the Hatikva party), and Michael Michael Ben-Ari of the National Union Party (who openly supports Mier Kahane of the Kach terrorist group) along with dozens of extremist right-wingers will be burning the flag Thursday.

It is worth mentioning that the United Nations will be voting Thursday on the Palestinian application for observer member status; a large number of countries said they would vote for Palestine.

On Thursday, the General Assembly of the United Nations Social, Humanitarian & Cultural – Third Committee, unanimous voted for a resolution approving the Palestinian right to self determination.

173 countries vote for the resolution, which is an in cease of 7 votes comparing to last year, while six countries apposed and three abstained.

The countries that opposed the result ion are the United States, Canada, Israel, Micronesia, The Marshall Islands and the Republic of Nauru, while the countries that abstained are Southern Sudan, Cameron, and Honduras.