Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, arrived in New York accompanied by several senior Palestinian officials, in order to officially submit the Palestinian application for a nonmember state status at the United Nations General Assembly.Palestinian sources reported that Abbas received a phone call from the deputy British Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, informing him that he supports the Palestinian bid. Clegg phoned Abbas as he landed in Ireland while on his way to New York.

It is worth mentioning that Clegg demanded the Conservative Party and its, head David Cameron, and all coalition partners to unconditionally support the Palestinian bid.

On its part the United States reiterated its rejection of the Palestinian bid, and denounced the decision of France to support the Palestinian move.

Britain and Spain said that they are still weighing the official stance, but Britain proposed supporting the move should the Palestinians vow not to sue Israel at the International Criminal Court.

Meanwhile, Palestinian observer at the United Nations, Riyadh Mansur, stated that the Palestinian Authority will be willing to resume peace talks with Israel directly after the UN vote should Tel Aviv completely stop its settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The UN meetings will last for two days, and will discuss the two-state solution and the latest developments in occupied Palestine.

Several Israel and international political analysts said that said that it seems that The Palestinian leadership managed to garner a victory this time as most of the General Assembly members will likely support the Palestinian bid far away from the U.S. Veto that Washington Frequently used at the Security Council to topple decisions that were considered “harmful” to Israel.

Meanwhile in Gaza, national and Islamic Palestinian factions held a meeting in Gaza City, and decided to conduct a unified procession expressing support to the Palestinian bid.

Waleed Al-Awad, member of the Political Bureau of the leftist Palestinian People Party, told the Maan News Agency that the procession will start from the Unknown Soldier Square in Gaza heading towards the UN building in Gaza to hand the UN a memorandum expressing the support of the Palestinian factions to the Palestinian nonmember state status application.