Israeli sources reported on Tuesday evening that France confirmed that it will support the Palestinian bid at the United Nations General Assembly during the Thursday vote for observer state status.France said that it supports the legitimate Palestinian demands, and will stand by the Palestinian people and their leadership.

On its part, Israel claimed that, by heading to the United Nations, Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, is foiling all efforts to “resume peace talks”.

Israel even threatened to increase the construction and expansion of its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, including in occupied East Jerusalem, and said that it will foil the transfer of any foreign aid to the P.A.

The United States reiterated its stance supporting the Israeli position, and said that resuming the peace process is the only means to end the conflict.

The P.A. said that the UN bid is not meant to replace peace talks with Tel Aviv, but is a step towards achieving international recognition of the legitimate Palestinian rights of statehood and independence.

Meanwhile, Israeli daily, Haaretz, reported that the Israeli cabinet came to a realization that the Palestinians will not change their minds, and that the UN move is unavoidable, adding that “Israel is about to suffer a humiliating and painful diplomatic failure”.

Israel realized that more and more countries are expressing support to the Palestinian bid especially after Britain, and despite its previous stance against the UN bid, is now expressing certain support to the move under the condition that the Palestinians refrain from filing charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court.

The vote will likely pass as around two-thirds of the 193 member states are sympathetic with the Palestinian cause, especially when taking into considerations that the General Assembly vote, is different that Security Council votes where the United States uses it veto power to topple any resolution that is deemed to be meant “to harm Israel”.