Nimir Hammad, Political Advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas, stated that several European Countries are exerting efforts meant at convincing the United States to obtain a serious resolution at the United Nations General Assembly to prevent Israel from continuing its illegal settlement activities. Last Wednesday, the United States foiled several attempts by Security Council member countries meant at issuing a resolution condemning Israel for its settlement activities in occupied East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

Due to U.S. pressures, the countries failed to pursue such a resolution, and only issued statements denouncing the Israeli violations and its unilateral actions, the Maan News Agency reported.

Speaking to Maan, Hammad said that “should it become apparent that the Security Council will not take any serious decision regarding Israel’s ongoing violations, the Palestinian leadership will weigh the possibility of heading to the International Criminal Court after obtaining a membership status.

Israel had recently approved that construction of thousands of additional units for Jewish settlers in occupied Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, as an act of punishment against the Palestinian Authority for managing to obtain a nonmember state status at the General Assembly.

Hammad said that International Law considers settlements to be war crimes, therefore, should the Palestinians be able to obtain membership at the International Criminal Court, they will be able to sue Israel.

As for the planned visit of the Qatari Prince, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Hammad said that the Prince will be visiting the West Bank on December 31, adding that the Arab League Secretary-General, Nabil Al-Arabi, will be visiting Palestine on December 29.