Friday January 25 2013; Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that seven Palestinians have been injured by Israeli military fire in the northern part of the coastal region.The sources said that soldiers, stationed on the Israeli side of the border, opened fire at dozens residents in two areas in northern Gaza.

The first attack took place east of the Al-Shuhada’ Graveyard, east of Jabalia.

Dr. Ashraf Al-Qodra, spokesperson of the Ministry Of Health In Gaza, reported that the five Palestinians suffered moderate injuries.

Two more farmers were in their lands east of Beit Hanoun, Dr. Al-Qodra added.

He said that the latest attacks are part of ongoing Israeli violations to the Egyptian-mediated truce that ended the eight-day war on Gaza last November, and added that four Palestinians have been killed since then and dozens have been injured.

Dr. Al-Qodra stated that the army also kidnapped at least 30 fishermen since the truce was reached, detonated and confiscated several fishing boats in Gaza territorial waters.

The cease fire ended an 8-day war in November of last year during which Israeli missiles and shells killed 191 Palestinians, including children, women and elderly, while at least 1492 Palestinians have been injured, dozens seriously.

The Information Center of the Palestinian Ministry of Health Information reported that 48 children, including 16 under the age of five, have been killed by Israeli missiles and shells, in addition to 12 women and 20 elderly.

The Center added that 1492 Palestinians, including 533 children (195 under the age of 5), 254 women and 103 elderly have been injured by Israeli fire and shells.

Furthermore, at least five Palestinians have been killed after the ceasefire agreement was reached, and 54 have been injured.

As part of the ceasefire agreement that ended the Israeli war on Gaza in November 2012, Palestinian fishermen were allowed to fish within 6 nautical miles off the Gaza coast. But the Israeli Navy continued to attack Palestinian fishermen leading to dozens of injuries.