Israeli TV, Channel 10, reported that U.S. President, Barack Obama, intends to visit Tel Aviv and Ramallah in mid March after Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, forms his new government.Channel 10 said that Obama will also visit Jordan to hold a meeting with King Abdullah, as part of his planned meetings with Netanyahu and Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, in an attempt “to revive the stalled peace process between Israel and the Palestinians”.

Israeli political analysts said that Obama’s visit will be a significant event that will likely lead to a breakthrough in the political process.

American diplomatic sources reported that Obama phoned Netanyahu on January 28th, and told him that he will be presenting several offers to ensure the resumption of peace talks.

The sources did not provide any details on the issue, or whether Obama already has a plan or an initiative to offer.

Furthermore, Israeli sources said that the visit could be seen as a “breakthrough” as Netanyahu that could boost Israel’s image amongst the international community especially since Israel faced international condemnation due to its ongoing and escalating settlement construction and expansion activities in the occupied West Bank, including in and around occupied East Jerusalem.

On Tuesday, the newly elected Israeli Knesset held its first session, and the 120 elected legislators, including 40 first-time legislators, were sworn in.