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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday February 19th, 2013.

Israeli soldiers use live rounds to counter solidarity protests with political detainees while more prisoners join the hunger strike. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

One residents was shot with a live round and seven others were hit with rubber-coated-steel bullets fired by Israeli soldiers as they attacked a solidarity protest with Palestinian political detainees near Ramallah city, central West Bank.

Residents marched to the Ofer military detention center near Ramallah on Tuesday midday as part of the ongoing protests organized in solidarity with hunger striking political prisoners held by Israel. Troops fired live rounds, rubber-coated –steel bullets and tear gas to suppress the protest.

Yesterday 40 Palestinian civilians were injured when Israeli soldiers attacked protests in solidarity with political detainees organized across West Bank communities.

Currently, there are four Palestinian political detainees holding a hunger strike. Samer Al-EEsawy, on hunger strike for 205 days, Ayman Sharawna on strike for 20 days, and Ja’far Izedeen and Tarik Qadan for 85 days each. They all demand to be freed or continue their hunger strike.

Moreover 800 Palestinian political detainees in three different army detention centers in Israel announced today that they are conducting a one day hunger strike in solidarity with Eesawy and his comrades.

According the Palestinian Political Prisoners Society the protest move will escalate to be an open ended hunger strike soon if Israel does not change its detention policies and free the four prisoners on hunger strike,

In other news, Israeli troops attacked on Tuesday midday a Palestinian school for girls in Beit Omer town near the southern West Bank city of Hebron, leaving many injured among them a 3 year old child.

Local sources said that Israeli soldiers drove up to the school and fired tear gas bombs inside the school, many students were moved to local clinic after suffering from tear gas inhalation. Later soldiers fired tear gas at nearby homes injuring a 3 year old child and his mother, medical sources reported. Local youth clashed with the invading forces, residents said.

And that’s all for today from the IMEMC News; this was the Tuesday February 19th, news round-up from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by Hussam Qassis and me, Ghassan Bannoura.