Palestinian medical sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, reported that at least 40 Palestinians have been injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers who attacked Palestinians protesting the death of detainee Maisara Abu Hamdiyya.The Palestine News Network (PNN) reported that clashes took place in Bab Az-Zawiya neighborhood in Hebron, and that the soldiers fired dozens of gas bombs, concussion grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets leading to at least 40 injuries.

Local sources reported that a number of Palestinians hurled 10 Molotov cocktails at the army, no injuries were reported.

Detainee Maisara Abu Hamdiyya, 64, died at the Intensive Care Unit at the Soroka Israeli hospital on Tuesday morning suffering from an advanced stage of cancer resulting of medical negligence in Israeli prisons.

In related news, dozens of Palestinians have been injured during clashes with the army in Beit Ummar town, near Hebron, during clashes that took place at the entrance of the town.

Yousef Abu Maria, spokesperson of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Beit Ummar, reported that the army fired dozens of gas bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets, and closed the main roads leading to the town.