The Al-Alam Iranian news agency have reported that Syria denied that the explosions in Lathiqiyya (Latakia)Port were a result of an Israeli Air Strike, and that the explosions most likely took place during clashes between the Syrian Army and the “Free Syrian Army”.The Al-Alam said that the explosions, that took place on Saturday at dawn, are likely a result of the clashes, and not due to an alleged Israeli attack targeting “Russian missiles being transported to the Lebanon-based Hezbollah party, that sides with Syrian President, Bashar Assad.

It is worth mentioning that three American officials claimed that the explosions are most likely a result of an Israeli Air Strike.

The unnamed officials told the CNN – America that the Israeli Air Strike targeted Russian “anti-ships missiles”.

Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Yaalon, previously stated that Tel Aviv is not behind the attack, and that, although it bombarded various Syrian targets in the past, it has been refraining from attacking Syria.

Yaalon added that “whenever there are explosions in the Middle East, some groups rush to accuse Israel of involvement in these attacks”.