[Thursday evening August 1, 2013] Israeli soldiers and police officers attacked dozens of Palestinian protesters nonviolently marching in occupied East Jerusalem against the Prawer Negev displacement plan.The protesters carried Palestinian flags, signs denouncing the plan and Israel’s policies against the Arabs and Palestinians in the country, and chanted against the Prawer plan.

Local sources have reported that the army and police used excessive force against the nonviolent protesters and struck them with batons before throwing concussion grenades at them.

Several protesters suffered cuts and bruises to various part of their bodies, and received the needed medical treatment.

The soldiers kidnapped two Palestinians in Nablus Street and Bab Al-‘Amoud in East Jerusalem, and violently attacked them.

The protest started in Bab Al-’Amoud before the protesters marched to Salah Ed-Deen Street, and Sultan Suleiman Street and heading towards Nablus Street, close to the American Consulate.

Mounted Policemen then attacked the protesters, preventing them from reaching the U.S. Consulate, and kidnapped one protester.

Clashes have also been reported in Nablus Street and Bab Al’-Amoud after the police attacked the protesters who responded by throwing stones and empty bottles.
The “Prawer plan” calls for annexing more than 700.000 Dunams (185329 acres) and displacing the residents by demolishing 14 villages in the area.

All unrecognized villages in the Negev are under continuing Israeli attacks and violations, as Tel Aviv does not recognize the residents’ right to live on their land — land they inhabited long before the 1948 creation of the state of Israel in historic Palestine.

Unrecognized villages in the Negev are under continuing Israeli attacks and violations, as Tel Aviv does not recognize the residents’ right to live on their land — land they inhabited long before the 1948 creation of the state of Israel in historic Palestine.