Israeli soldiers invaded on Monday at dawn [August 12, 2013] various districts in the occupied West Bank, broke into and searched several homes, and kidnapped 10 Palestinians. Soldiers also installed various roadblocks.Local sources have reported that at least twelve armored Israeli military vehicles invaded the Al-Far’a refugee camp, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and clashes with local youths who hurled stones and empty bottles at them.

Soldiers fired gas bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets at the residents, and left the area to invade the central West Bank district of Tubas.

The Maan News Agency has reported that dozens of soldiers invaded Ras Al-Ein, in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, broke into and searched several homes, and kidnaped two identified as Ahmad Mer’ey Hawwash, 21, and Firas Hawwash, 22.

Soldiers also invaded the Balata Refugee camp, in Nablus, and kidnapped one resident identified as Mo’ayyad Hannoun, 24.

Several military vehicles further invaded Rafidia area, in Nablus, fired gas bombs, including gas bombes fired into local homes, and kidnapped a former political prisoner, identified as Khader Khaled As-Sarkaji, 35, from his home in Haifa Street in the city.

In addition, soldiers invaded the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia, violently broke into and searched the Qalqilia Islamic Club, and kidnapped two of its administrators identified as Mohammad Abu Salman and Monther Nassar.

In Bethlehem district, the soldiers invaded the As-Saff Street, Wad Shahin area, and Doha city, and kidnapped two brothers identified as Fadi and Mohammad Da’amsa, from Wad Shahin.

Furthermore, soldiers invaded various villages and towns in the southern West Bank district of Hebron, violently broke into several homes and searched them leading to excessive property damage.

Palestinian security sources have reported that the soldiers also kidnapped Abdul-Majid Bassam Amro, 21, and Ali Taleb Amro, 20, from Hebron city, and Jalal Yasser Sweity from Doura town, south of Hebron.

Medical sources gave reported that resident Anas Abu Haikal, 23, from Hebron, suffered various cuts and bruises after being assaulted by the soldiers, and was moved to a local hospital.

Media sources in Hebron stated that the soldiers also invaded Taffouh town, and various neighborhoods in Hebron city, before installing several roadblocks.

Dozens of soldiers further invaded the Al-Ezariyya town, east of occupied East Jerusalem, and broke into the home of Ramadan Hijazi in Al-Qastal area, in an attempt to kidnap him, but he was not home. Clashes have also been reported between local youths and the invading soldiers.

The invasions and arrests are part on daily assaults carried out by the soldiers in different parts of occupied Palestine.