The Israeli Internal Security Service (Shin Bet) claimed it managed to uncover Hamas cell, and arrested its members, allegedly for planning to use explosives to detonate a mall in occupied Jerusalem.Israel said that the army arrested two Palestinians (22 – 25 years of age) working at the Mall, and that the two confessed to planning an attack in the Mall. They will be facing charges at the Central Court in Jerusalem, Sunday.

The Shin Bet also claimed that the army kidnapped three Palestinians, including the cell head, in the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

It said that two more Palestinians from Jerusalem were assigned the task of transporting the bomb to use it in the Mamilla Mall in the city.

The International Solidarity Foundation for Human Rights said that Israel kidnapped, in August, a young Palestinian man identified as Hamdi Hassanen Rommana, 22, from Al-Biereh town near Ramallah, who reportedly confessed to heading a Hamas cell that was planning attacks in Israeli cities.

Rommana allegedly created a lab for preparing explosives, and his cell reached an advanced planning state after receiving all needed components to make the explosive charge.

The two Palestinians who work at the Mall were tasked with disguising the explosive to make it look like a wrapped gift to the Mall, so that it could be detonated later on.

Cell members were also allegedly planning another bombing attack, and to buy weapons in addition to trying to manufacture homemade shells.