Monday evening [September 30, 2013] Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian man, injured and kidnapped another, near the border fence, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.Israeli media sources said that the soldiers opened fire at two Palestinians who approached the border fence, and attempted to cut a hole in it before the army chased them.

The sources added that the army did not mention anything about whether the Palestinians carried any weapons or explosives, an issue that indicates they might have been trying to enter Israeli territory searching for work.

Israeli Ynet News has reported that the army initiated an investigation into the incident, under the assumption that the two “might have been trying to plant an explosive in the area”. After searching the area, the army could not locate any explosives or weapons.

Palestinian sources in Beit Hanoun, in northern Gaza, stated that the soldiers fired a number of shells into a land east of the town, and fired several flares, while a military chopper hovered overhead.

Medical sources in Kamal Adwan Hospital, in the nearby town of Beit Lahia, stated that Palestinian medics located the body of Hweishel Ismael Abu Hweishel, in his thirties, and moved it to hospital.

The slain resident is from Al-Mighraqa area, south of Gaza city.