Palestinian legislator, member of the Political Bureau of the Hamas movement, Dr. Mahmoud al-Zahar, stated that resistance is the only means to liberate Palestine, and that his movement will not allow anybody to jeopardize resistance.His statement came Thursday during a speech in front of more than a 1000 officers in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. The event was organized by the Ministry Of Interior in Gaza.

Zahar said that the Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank “does not have the legitimacy to hold talks with Israel”, and that “should Abbas refuse to engage in talks, he will be accused to sabotaging the political process”.

The Hamas leader added that only resistance can liberate Palestine, and that the Hamas movement “fought, and won four wars with Israel in the last six years”.

Commenting on the reconciliation file with the Fateh movement of President Abbas, Zahar said that reconciliation cannot be achieved without forming an interim unity government, organizing new legislative and presidential election, and holding election for the National Council.

He added that Hamas would win the national council election should the Palestinians in exile be allowed to practice their right to vote.