Thursday [October 3, 2013] A number of fundamentalist Israeli settles burnt a Palestinian grapevine in the Al-Bweira area, near the Kharseena illegal settlement, in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.Local sources have reported that the settlers burnt four Dunams (0.98 Acres) planted with grapes, that belong to resident Mousa Abdul-Mon’em Jaber, and that the fire completely consumed them.

He said that this attack is not the first, and that several residents have been subject to similar and frequent attacks carried out by extremist Israeli settlers in the area.

Late on Wednesday at night, extremist settlers closed the west entrance of Ya’bod village, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and attacked several residents. Israeli soldiers arrived at the scene, and invaded the village instead of removing the settlers.

Earlier on Wednesday, a number of extremist Israeli settlers attacked and destroyed a car wash facility that belongs to a resident in Nabi Samuel village, northwest of occupied East Jerusalem. The attack is the fourth of its kind in two months.