Palestinian sources have reported that several Palestinians have been injured by Israeli army fire, on Monday night after midnight, while others have been kidnapped, after Israeli soldiers invaded Abu Dis town, east of occupied Jerusalem, and demolished an under construction building.The sources said that the soldiers kidnapped several Palestinian youths, including a number of students of the Al-Quds University, while dozens have been treated for the effects of teargas inhalation, in addition to several residents who were shot by rubber-coated metal bullets.

Hani Halabiyya, spokesperson of the Popular Resistance Committee, told the Maan News Agency that several Israeli military jeeps and armored bulldozers invaded Abu Dis and started demolishing an under construction building that belong to residents Ashraf Abu Sneina and Mo’taz Bader.

The destruction of the property led to clashes with dozens of local youths near the demolished building located close to the campus of the Al-Quds University. The clashes lasted until early morning hours.

Halabiyya said that the demolished structure is a two-story building, one residential and one commercial, and that the owners received a warning last June, in which Israel alleged the construction was not licensed.

He added that the army also demolished a wall surrounding the home of resident Ammar Salama, in the same area.

Maan said that two of the kidnapped Palestinians have been identified as Amro Erekat and Ismael Halabiyya. The kidnapped residents are from Abu Dis and Al-Ezariyya.

It added that, driving a Palestinian car, undercover soldiers of the Israeli army infiltrated the area where clashes took place with the army, and kidnapped the Palestinians after violently beating them.

Soldiers fired several gas bombs, rubber-coated metal bullets, and concussion grenades, targeting the protesters, homes and the University campus causing fires in several trees.