Tuesday Evening October 22, 2013] A number of Palestinian youths managed to dig a hole in a section of the Israeli Annexation Wall, isolating the Al-Ezariyya town, east of occupied East Jerusalem.Media sources in Al-Ezariyya have reported that the Palestinians managed to breach four meters of the illegal Wall, and crossed into occupied Jerusalem.

The sources added that the act came in retaliation to the ongoing illegitimate Israeli policies of demolishing Palestinian homes in occupied Jerusalem, and its surrounding towns.

On Monday night after midnight, Israeli soldiers invaded Abu Dis nearby town, and demolished a home that belongs to resident Ashraf Abu Sneina, near the Al-Quds University.

The invasion led to clashes with local youths, and the army fired dozens of gas bombs, concussion grenades, and rubber-coated metal bullets, leading to dozens of injuries.

Fire also broke out in a building that belongs to the university, while several trees have also been burnt.

The invading soldiers also kidnapped a number of residents, and searched several homes.

Back in May this year, several Palestinian youths managed to dig a hole and breached the illegal Annexation Wall in Abu Dis, before Israeli soldiers attacked them, firing rounds of live ammunition, gas bomber, and rubber-coated metal bullets.