The Hamas-led government in the besieged Gaza Strip warned that Israel is escalating its aggression on Gaza, and that armed resistance groups in the coastal region have the right to retaliate.Abdul-Salam Siyam, secretary of the Ministerial Council in Gaza, said that the Israeli military is deliberately targeting the Palestinians, and continues to violate the ceasefire deal that was mediated by Egypt in November of 2012.

He also called on Egypt to contact the Israeli side and inform Tel Aviv that this escalation is leading the region into a new confrontation.

“Egypt must stop this calculated escalation against Gaza and its people”, Siyam added. “All factions are committed to the truce, but Israel is repeatedly violating it”.

Siyam further said that armed resistance is a legitimate option, and that Palestinian fighters in Gaza will counter this aggression, the constant attacks against the Palestinians and their lands.

The Israeli military recently repeatedly bombarded several areas in the Gaza Strip, assassinated a fighter of the Al-Quds Brigades of the Islamic Jihad, and wounded dozens of Palestinians.

On Sunday [December 29 2013], two Palestinians were injured after Israeli artillery fired on the central Gaza Strip.

Nearly two weeks ago, an Israeli shell, fired at a local home, killed a 3-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza, and injured several residents.

The attack took place after an Israeli Civil Defense employee was killed by a sniper while inspecting the border electronic fence.

Dozens of casualties have been reported since the ceasefire agreement, reached in November of 2012, brought an end of over a week of war, which left over 171 Palestinians, including 102 civilians, killed, while hundreds were injured.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza said the Israeli war on November 2012 led to the death of 35 children, 14 women. At least 16 of the wounded suffered permanent disabilities.